Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Power of Ideas Uniting the World

My personal approach to the Global Manifesto on Human Diversity is grounded in a theoretical background. At university, I studied Gender and International Relations, and these academic areas have affected my understanding of the concept of Diversity. Ideas have a tremendous effect on the world and the way it is structured, and I find it inspiring that ideas from all over the world can share so many themes. This is why it is vital for ideas to be shared; the concept of Diversity is strengthened by discussions and debate. Because my academic studies have focused so far on the theoretical nature of diversity, in particular areas of diversity relating to gender and identity, I am passionate about the need to include individuals’ experiences and realities in understandings of diversity.

Part of the role played by ideas in shaping the world is based in theory. Theory is, however, somewhat limited. In order for theoretical approaches to make a lasting impression, they must be grounded in reality and fit in with people’s experiences of the world. A theory is weakened if there is an absence of human experience behind it. This is why it is so important for you to share your ideas, so that they can influence the changing theoretical structure of the world. The concept of Diversity does not exist in a void – it needs you and your input to strengthen it and enhance its power.

(Leonora Barclay)


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drivingdiversity said...

Driving Diversity is a Professional Networking group of Management, Consultants and connects Individuals and Businesses who are passionate about workplace Diversity.

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