There lies so much inspiration in Diversity and the people behind it who represent the differences and similarities between individuals. We would like to collect data from all over the world, so regardless of which country you are in you are invited to post your input and ideas about a structure and environment that is able to welcome, respect and tolerate Diversity.
Aims of the Manifesto
We feel it is time to talk to people about Diversity. There are 195 states in the United Nations, all of which have a need to recognise the importance of Diversity. The global order is changing, and many countries are becoming increasingly aware of the power of Diversity. We want to mobilise as many people from as many countries as possible to stand up for the acknowledgment and celebration of Diversity. There are already certain requirements in place for the flourishing of Diversity, such as democracy and the Convention on Human Rights, but we think that more needs to be done to address the recognition of Diversity. Many people seem to be indifferent to the topic, but the concept of Diversity is far too important to be left in the hands of others. We ourselves are responsible for a better way of living and working with each other. We are aware that in many parts of the world, people are actively prevented from being able to actualise their potentials, and recognise the injustice of this.
We would like to start creating a framework for this movement now!
Bring your ideas about Diversity to life and have a direct impact! We would like to make a statement about the power of people.
We do not want to confine Diversity to being put in boxes because we think that Diversity cannot be defined purely by criteria in boxes. With Diversity come ambiguity, complexity and paradoxes. As the world rapidly changes and becomes more globalised, we feel the need to recognise the kaleidoscopic nature of Diversity as a value in itself instead of reducing it to clearly defined categories, which can lead to stereotyping and prejudice. Individuals’ experiences and identities do exist on a spectrum, not in strict categories or dichotomies, and we think it is our duty to recognise the beauty of this. No one is excluded from the phenomenon of Diversity – we are all part of it.
Join us and be part of the Global Manifesto on Human Diversity!
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