Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Russel Simmons on Diversity

"You know, the diversity that America has is so special. It's starting to really become a cool thing for young people."
Russell Simmons (business magnate)

Is Diversity also a "cool thing" in the country where you are from?
What does Diversity mean where you are from? Which kind(s) of Diversity matters in your country/community?

Go share your opinion, ideas and stories --> here!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Power of Ideas Uniting the World

My personal approach to the Global Manifesto on Human Diversity is grounded in a theoretical background. At university, I studied Gender and International Relations, and these academic areas have affected my understanding of the concept of Diversity. Ideas have a tremendous effect on the world and the way it is structured, and I find it inspiring that ideas from all over the world can share so many themes. This is why it is vital for ideas to be shared; the concept of Diversity is strengthened by discussions and debate. Because my academic studies have focused so far on the theoretical nature of diversity, in particular areas of diversity relating to gender and identity, I am passionate about the need to include individuals’ experiences and realities in understandings of diversity.

Part of the role played by ideas in shaping the world is based in theory. Theory is, however, somewhat limited. In order for theoretical approaches to make a lasting impression, they must be grounded in reality and fit in with people’s experiences of the world. A theory is weakened if there is an absence of human experience behind it. This is why it is so important for you to share your ideas, so that they can influence the changing theoretical structure of the world. The concept of Diversity does not exist in a void – it needs you and your input to strengthen it and enhance its power.

(Leonora Barclay)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

President Barack Obama about Diversity

Here is what President Barack Obama says about Diversity and Inclusion in the workforce:

"Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all.  We are at our best when we draw on the talents of all parts of our society, and our greatest accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges."

(Executive Order 13583 - Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Can we change the world?

We are excited about the Global Manifesto on Human Diversity!
What about you?
Tell us your ideas and thoughts about Global Diversity!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The nature of being ‘global’

A vital component of the campaign is that the Manifesto is global. The Global Manifesto on Human Diversity aims to listen to the wide variety of voices around the theme of Diversity, and the international aspect of it allows for many different opinions to be included. The choice to make the Manifesto global rather than based in one small region of the world allows it to transcend individual countries and acknowledges the diverse experiences and opinions of people from around the world. The Global Manifesto on Human Diversity aims to embrace the various approaches to Diversity, in combination with recognising the roles that each individual’s distinct circumstances and experiences have shaped their views. Therefore, through being a global campaign rather than one centred in one country or a limited geographic area, the Manifesto embraces Diversity and the range of interpretations of this term.

In addition, by being a global campaign, the Manifesto can celebrate the worldwide similarities in understandings of Diversity. This campaign is able to gather a variety of perspectives on Diversity, which can echo and support each other whilst originating in different backgrounds and experiences. We are all different, but our differences mirror and complement each other, and this is demonstrated in the common themes in attitudes towards Diversity.
I find it inspiring that so much is shared between different interpretations of Diversity, and it excites me to think of the contributions the Global Manifesto will make to understandings of the meaning of Diversity. As a British woman living in Austria, these facts contribute to my personal interpretation of Diversity. The meaning that I ascribe to Diversity is found amongst both my friends in my new home and in my old home. The shared meanings we have of Diversity are not restricted to geographical boundaries but instead unite us through our Diversity.

Contribute your ideas and discover which opinions you share with other people around the world!

(Leonora Barclay)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Global Manifesto on Human Diversity

There are people behind Diversity!

Please participate in the biggest Global Manifesto on Human Diversity ever!

Share your ideas and thoughts about the realization of a global Diversity understanding with us. We would like to collect data from all over the world, so regardless of which country you are in, you are invited to post your input and ideas about a structure and environment that is able to welcome, respect and tolerate Diversity.

Bring your ideas about Diversity to life here and be part of the Global Manifesto on Human Diversity! And have a direct impact! Let’s make a huge statement on the power of Diversity and take it into the future. Together.